303-271-0986 info@doranix.com
Vape Cartridge Label Printing – Everything You Need to Know

Vape Cartridge Label Printing – Everything You Need to Know

In an era of cleaner smoking options, vape cartridges have become very popular. Like their flavored nicotine-based counterparts, oils containing THC concentrates allow your customers more freedom and a smooth vaping experience. This also means you need packaging that...

Tyvek Colored Rolls and Plotter Paper

As so many innovative products are, Tyvek was created by accident when a DuPont employee observed an unintended byproduct of a manufacturing process. That was 1955. It took 12 years to figure out how to initially commercialize the resulting product which we now know...

Coffee and Tea Bag Printing Printers

If you’ve ever wondered when humanity will stop drinking coffee and tea, the answer is probably never. Both would be featured prominently on a short list of the most popular beverages on the planet, never to go out of style. One need look no further that the fact that...

Tyvek and Fabric Printing

Though it seems perfectly suited for the advanced technological world of Star Trek, Tyvek is actually an earthbound product that has been around for 60 years. You may not know it by name but have almost certainly intersected with it many times through your life....

Printing Maps with Tyvek – What You Need to Know

There’s a good chance you’re surrounded by Tyvek and don’t even know it. This plastic material was originally discovered by a DuPont researcher in 1955 when he noticed a polyethylene fluff coming out of a pipe as a byproduct of another process. It would be 12 more...

Need your product to ship out before year end but don't have any pre-printed pouches or lids? Our Thermaprint 64 printers eliminate lead-times by printing direct to package. Send us your packages and an image for a formal evaluation.